Citrine, Heated Rough Point S-M

(14 customer reviews)

Heated Citrine Rough Point S-M. Some inclusions, some stunning little rainbows, ranging from a gentle light yellow to a deep orange colouring. From Brazil. Good to A Grade. Size from small to medium. Choose your weight below.


Heated Citrine Rough Point S-M.

Natural rough crystal point with white Quartz. Some inclusions, some stunning little rainbows, ranging from a gentle light yellow to a deep orange colouring. From Brazil. Good to A Grade. Size from small to medium, approx 2-4cm. Choose your weight below.



Citrine is a translucent yellow to orange coloured Quartz. It gets its name from the old French word ‘citrin’, meaning yellow. The yellow colouring a result of ferros iron present in the Quartz, which is then exposed to geothermal heat (heat from the Earth’s core). As a specific temperature is reached, the iron impurities dissipate throughout the Quartz, creating a yellow hue.

The vast majority of Citrine on the market is produced by heating Quartz to mimic this geothermal process. Natural Smoky Quartz when heated produces light to medium yellow Citrine, while natural Amethyst (a purple Quartz), produces stronger yellows and orange-red to orangey brown shades.

Read more about HEATED CITRINE HERE.



Physical Healing Keywords:

  • Circulation;
  • Digestion


Metaphysical Keywords:

Endurance, Focus, Happiness, Health, Wealth, Healing, Energy Work, Happiness, Abundance, Manifestation, Creativity, Self Worth, Self Confidence



Citrine is a powerful cleanser & re-generator. It brings the power of the sun, warming, energizing & highly creative. Citrine is a rare crystal that never needs cleansing. It absorbs, dissipates & grounds negative energy – making it extremely protective in environment. It can energize every aspect of your life.

Citrine can teach how to manifest & attract wealth, prosperity & success. It is a happy, generous stone. Place in wealth corner of your home (furtherest back left corner from front door) or in your wallet to attract financial gain.


Additional information


Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra


Solar Plexus Chakra

Colour Group

Yellow, Cream & Gold Crystals

Crystal System

Hexagonal – Trigonal

Other Names

Heated Citrine, Stone of Abundance



14 reviews for Citrine, Heated Rough Point S-M

  1. Lekae

    Beautiful vibrant gemstone with so much energy!? Thanks.

  2. Sylvia Oosthuizen

    Very beautiful.

  3. Shalane

  4. FP Smit

  5. Palesa

  6. Henco Vanton

  7. Francis

    Crystals are beautiful and excellent quality

  8. Anonymous

  9. Palesa M.

  10. Laura

    Amazing service and fast delivery. Highly recommended 🙂

  11. Mia C.

  12. Anonymous

  13. Elzane Meyer

  14. Tiego Malibe

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