Epidote, Dragon Blood Tumbled

(26 customer reviews)

Dragon Blood Epidote Tumbled Stone. Beautifully patterned Bastite material with deep red tones to yellow of Piemontite and forest green to grey hues of Epidote. Also known by the trade names Dragon Blood Stone or Dragon Blood Jasper. Good to A Grade. Choose your size below.


Dragon Blood Epidote Tumbled Stone.

Beautifully patterned Bastite material with deep red tones to yellow of Piemontite and forest green to grey hues of Epidote. Dragon Blood Epidote is also known by the trade names Dragon Blood Stone or Dragon Blood Jasper. Good to A Grade. Choose your size below.



Dragon Blood Epidote is Bastite, a combination of two Epidote varieties. The distinctive green colour is from the green Epidote mineral, while the red to brown-black colour is from the mineral Piemontite, a red coloured member of the Epidote family.

Dragon Blood Stone is not to be confused with Bloodstone which looks similar (comprised of deep green Chalcedony and Red Jasper due to hematite/iron oxide inclusions) or Septerye which looks different but is often referred to as the trade name ‘Dragon Stone’ (a form of sedimentary rock with Calcite and Aragonite).


Crystal Healing:

Physical Healing Keywords

  • Circulatory System, Heart;
  • Digestive System, Stomach;
  • Immune System, Pain Relief, Colds & Flu;
  • Lymphatic System, Spleen;
  • Nervous System, Multiple Sclerosis;
  • Skeletal;
  • Urinary System, Kidneys;


Metaphysical Keywords

Memory, Joy, Spiritual Self Healing, Depression, Grief, Happiness, Optimism, Inner Wisdom, Personal Power, Courage, Strength, Vitality



Truly a stone to experience in all aspects of life, Epidote provides for increase in that to which you attune to. Epidote is said to dispel overly critical thinking while enhancing keen perception. It can stimulate participation and interaction. Epidote aids in growing personal power. Combats dehydration.

In addition, Dragon’s Blood Epidote is said to be highly creative and a stone of great personal power. It provides strength, courage and purpose to face difficult situations.

Additional information




Heart Chakra, Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra

Crystal System


Other Names

Blood Jasper, Dragon Blood Jasper, Dragon Blood Stone, Dragon Stone



26 reviews for Epidote, Dragon Blood Tumbled

  1. Wendy

  2. Juanita D.

  3. Meriska D.

  4. Kate S.

  5. Yvonne

  6. Carle Schmidt

  7. Sonwabo Ngcobelo

  8. Reshanee Devi SINGH

    I’m thrilled with my purchase

  9. Irenee Bekker

  10. Thea

  11. Jayrine J.

  12. Kayleigh

  13. Christa Giles

  14. Linda J.

  15. Kajal Ragunanan

  16. Jenny H.

  17. Khanyisa M.

  18. Lerato

    Exactly as shown on picture

  19. Lindria O.

  20. Johan Bester

  21. Marc

  22. Kabelo

  23. Nikayla

  24. Karusha H.

  25. Kimberley

  26. Karien van Wyk

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