Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal Tower 6.5cm

Black Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal Tower 6.5cm.

Beautiful clear Quartz with rods of black Tourmaline included, called Tourmalinated or Tourmaline Quartz. Polished into a standing point / crystal tower. From Anjozorobe, Madagascar. Good to A Grade. Size approx 6.5cm. Weight approx 142g.



Black Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal Tower 6.5cm.

Beautiful clear Quartz with rods of black Tourmaline included, called Tourmalinated or Tourmaline Quartz. Polished into a standing point / crystal tower. From Anjozorobe, Madagascar. Good to A Grade. Size approx 6.5cm. Weight approx 142g.



Tourmaline is the name for a group of crystalline boron silicate minerals. This mineral species was identified by mineralogists in the 1800s. It has fascinating and useful properties, including being piezoelectric (creating electricity when pressurized) and pyroelectric (becoming electrically charged when heated).

Tourmaline occurs in more colours and colour combinations than any other gemstone in the world! Tourmaline’s colours have many different causes. Black Tourmaline is known as Schorl.

Quartz is a hexagonal crystalline mineral composed of Silica. It is one of the most abundant minerals on earth. Quartz vibrates at a very specific frequency. This, combined with its general hardness and durability, heat resistance and electrical properties, has made it one of the most useful crystals in the modern world. Quartz crystals can be found in numerous colours and in beautiful shapes, sizes and hues.

Tourmalinated Quartz, or Tourmalated Quartz is the term for Tourmaline rods occuring in a Quartz matrix.



Physical Healing Keywords:

  • Nervous System, Brain, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia;
  • Endocrine System, Adrenal Glands;
  • Urinary System, Bladder, Kidneys;
  • Respiratory System, Throat;
  • Immune System, Laryngitis


Metaphysical Keywords:

Chakra Clearing, Masculine Feminine Balance, Cleansing & Clearing, Communication, Compassion, Honesty, Higher Realms, Intuition, Psychic Abilities


Tourmalinated Quartz / Tourmaline in Quartz:

Effective grounding stone, strengthens the body’s energy field. Dissolves old patterns & releases tension at any level. Harmonizes opposite elements and helps shift negative thoughts and energies into positive ones. Helps to integrate and heal the shadow energies / shadow self, alleviating self-sabotage. Effective problem solver.

Excellent for neutralizing psychic and other attacks. Strengthens the person on the receiving end & enhances well-being. Said to help heal from the effects of terrorist attacks.



Additional information


Libra, Scorpio


All, Crown Chakra, Earth Star, Root Chakra

Colour Group

Black, Silver & Grey Colours, White & Clear Crystals

Crystal System

Hexagonal – Trigonal

Other Names

Schorl, Tourmalated Quartz, Tourmaline Rods in Quartz


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